Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

Find our totem

So, about a couple of days ago I just watched inception for the third time at jatos.

On the way to the theatre I met my senior, teh bumi, and she said that she just watched it due to curiousness of all the fuss that said inception is awesome and she said that she can’t really see what is so awesome about it.

That got me thinking, “What IS so good about it?” and then I intended to watch this third more thoroughly. I got a couple of things that poked my mind, there are:

When Dom, Eames and saito meet Yusuf the chemist for the first time to recruit him, it was shown that there was a room full of people who came to dream, for nine hours and more in a day. People who thought that their dream was reality and the real world was not real.

The fact that mal has misperception about what world was real and not real. And in order to live the reality, mal thought that she had to die because that was how you supposed to woke up from a dream and back to reality. So she killed herself in the real life in order to live in the dream world where she thought that it was her real world.

The existence of a totem. The thing that people have to get a hold onto reality, to be able to differentiate whether the surrounding of you is real or not.. Like Dom’s totem is this whirligig (kaya gasing), that in the real world it would stop spinning and fall, but in the dream world it would never fall cause it’ll eternally spinning.

"Our reality right now, this world that we, breathing human beings, live in, is actually our dream world. And our actual reality is the after world. Or what Muslim said: akhirat."

We actually had to die in our dream (read: real world/mortal world) in order to live in real world (read: after world). It’s just a shift of a world. But it’s basically the same, the difference is that we can’t die all over again and just re-enter the dream world.

And just imagined, how scary it is to be able to lose grasp on what is reality. Where you don’t know your real life and vision is headed towards to due to lack of consciousness. you think you are doing great, you think you’ve done great things, you think you have wonderful and happy life, you think you have achieved spectacularly, but then apparently everything that you think you did or have is just a dream that will disappear on the moment that you open your eyes, on the moment that your dream stopped, and you landed your two feet back on reality.

How scary is that you prefer to live most of your precious time of life in a dream world where that’s actually not happening. How scary it is.. And how pathetic it is.. To lose grasp on what is real and what is not real.

And from the movie, I see that, I get that, and that really happened. So then they have a totem. And we should too. Actually in our mortal world, many people do lose grasp on what is real and what is not. That is why we also need a totem in our life. That I called: faith.

Faith here what I mean is faith in religion, belief. Like for example in my religion, Islam, our mortal world is actually fake and we humans are gonna live eternally in the after world. We have to pray, and do all nice things to determine what kind of life that we would be having in the after world. Is it hell or heaven?

We need get a hold of faith to determine of our real world so we know what to do to focus to the real thing.

Well maybe in smaller terms, we should find our vision, our goal, and our principle to hold onto as our totem in this mortal world. Cause we should not get carried away with impermanent variable that surrounds us.


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