Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

Find our totem

So, about a couple of days ago I just watched inception for the third time at jatos.

On the way to the theatre I met my senior, teh bumi, and she said that she just watched it due to curiousness of all the fuss that said inception is awesome and she said that she can’t really see what is so awesome about it.

That got me thinking, “What IS so good about it?” and then I intended to watch this third more thoroughly. I got a couple of things that poked my mind, there are:

When Dom, Eames and saito meet Yusuf the chemist for the first time to recruit him, it was shown that there was a room full of people who came to dream, for nine hours and more in a day. People who thought that their dream was reality and the real world was not real.

The fact that mal has misperception about what world was real and not real. And in order to live the reality, mal thought that she had to die because that was how you supposed to woke up from a dream and back to reality. So she killed herself in the real life in order to live in the dream world where she thought that it was her real world.

The existence of a totem. The thing that people have to get a hold onto reality, to be able to differentiate whether the surrounding of you is real or not.. Like Dom’s totem is this whirligig (kaya gasing), that in the real world it would stop spinning and fall, but in the dream world it would never fall cause it’ll eternally spinning.

"Our reality right now, this world that we, breathing human beings, live in, is actually our dream world. And our actual reality is the after world. Or what Muslim said: akhirat."

We actually had to die in our dream (read: real world/mortal world) in order to live in real world (read: after world). It’s just a shift of a world. But it’s basically the same, the difference is that we can’t die all over again and just re-enter the dream world.

And just imagined, how scary it is to be able to lose grasp on what is reality. Where you don’t know your real life and vision is headed towards to due to lack of consciousness. you think you are doing great, you think you’ve done great things, you think you have wonderful and happy life, you think you have achieved spectacularly, but then apparently everything that you think you did or have is just a dream that will disappear on the moment that you open your eyes, on the moment that your dream stopped, and you landed your two feet back on reality.

How scary is that you prefer to live most of your precious time of life in a dream world where that’s actually not happening. How scary it is.. And how pathetic it is.. To lose grasp on what is real and what is not real.

And from the movie, I see that, I get that, and that really happened. So then they have a totem. And we should too. Actually in our mortal world, many people do lose grasp on what is real and what is not. That is why we also need a totem in our life. That I called: faith.

Faith here what I mean is faith in religion, belief. Like for example in my religion, Islam, our mortal world is actually fake and we humans are gonna live eternally in the after world. We have to pray, and do all nice things to determine what kind of life that we would be having in the after world. Is it hell or heaven?

We need get a hold of faith to determine of our real world so we know what to do to focus to the real thing.

Well maybe in smaller terms, we should find our vision, our goal, and our principle to hold onto as our totem in this mortal world. Cause we should not get carried away with impermanent variable that surrounds us.


Love is Blind

love makes your logic hides and your values burried down. watch out.

yes, it's true. and i really experienced this
so the story goes like this..
that day is the day of my aunt's wedding. she is a very nice person, and i think it is fair enough to say that we are quite close for an aunt-niece relation in my standard.
but that day is also the day of my sister's friend's wedding that i already make an appointment to go with. and unfortunately, the timing of those wedding is at the same time.
my plan was come to my aunt's wedding to congratulate her and then go. but apparently as i am already sick of it, Indonesian people have the culture of tardiness. The timing where i was supposed to be already gone, the bride and groom just sat on their seat, and the traditional dances still on their performances. that time, my friend texted me to notify me that he has arrived in the front of my aunt's wedding building.
suddenly, there's this dilemmatic discussion in my self what should i do?? he's already out there and waiting yet i haven't come up there to congratulate her.. ehh.. what do i do what do i do.. and suddenly, i just dont care whether i congratulate her or not, i just dont want to make him wait. so i went outside and go with him.
the journey sucks, we kinda lost for a while, we got kicked, cause there were no parking space in the hotel. it sucks. but evidently we finally get a parking space. we eat the delicious food, but we're out in a hurry. after that we watched football match. my country's football match.
then, my mom called and asking me where i am and my aunt were asking about my whereabouts. and then it hit me "uncomfortable feeling of ditching my aunt"
on the way i was thinking of going back to the building of my aunt's wedding to greet her. but then my mom said that she's already home and advice me to do the same because she was afraid that if i went there, there won't be any car to drive me home.
i am home. and i got scolded by mom and dad. i know i was terribly wrong.
i got into my room and called my aunt and apologized and tell the truth, although i really want to tell lies.
after that, i felt really horrible. i am an idiot in every way on every country.
where were my judgement and values?? I KNOW, and everybody knows that family first. my family is asking about my whereabout.
then i try to flash back the memories, that time i really don't want wait just a minute because i dont wanna make my friend wait. and then, why do i watch football first and not going back immediately?
idiotically, i am in love with my friend, i just wanna be with him and i dont want to make him uncomfortable. that idiotically simple.
for him, i dont care about my family. gosh, what an idiot.
i actually cried for my tremendous stupidity, and i hate my self for it.
now i can understand how can people throw away their family to be with the one they love, like those runaway couples. and i dont want to be that.
next time, i promised my self i will put my family first, and if the guy doesnt understand it, then he is just THE guy. Please logic, dont ever let me forget this value, dont ever let love blinded me again.

Selasa, 14 September 2010

lieur ku duit!

pusing. lieur.

lieur is maybe the ultimate word. hahaa

skarang sy sedang amat bingung.. yak bagaimana memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sekian banyak dengan uang dan penghasilan yg semakin sedikit?? henpon rusak harus dibenerin, karena dapet minjem dn sebegini damage nya harus dibeli, ya karena emang mau dibeli juga sih. saya harus bayar toefl di ef. saya harus bayar imun yg pinjem dr kaka dan om. saya harus ke obgyn buat usg uterus krn kmrn mens sakitnya ga biasa. dikhawatirkan.. saya harus cari duit sebegitu banyak.. hadeu harus nambah murid. murid yg cm satu itu aja kakapeungan gmn doi maunya les teh. gaji blm bisa turun da libur lesnya.. gaji les ini pun buat bayar les spanyol. harus tambah murid. harus. dan ini pun blm tentu dapet dan mencukupi. terus waktunya apa kabar nih dengan kegiatan saya yang pegang amanah dan tanggung jawab di kepanitiaan. argggg

saya merasa beruntung. saya merasa bangga.

tapi beruntungnya aga memusingkan sedikit sih.. temen2 saya boro2 mikirin beginian, tinggal minta semuanya sama orangtua. bahkan kadang saya merasa mereka hidup di dunia yg berbeda dgn saya.. mau bb tinggal ganti, sdgkn saya slain masalah prinsip, sy harus berpikir puluhan kali, uang darimana, ke depannya pulsanya gimana. bangga karena slama ini saya bisa menghidupi pengeluaran diluar kebutuhan pokok seperti makan sehari2, transport kuliah, dari penghasilan saya sendiri. saya punya barang2 hasil keringat saya sendiri. tapi disisi lain.. saya letih. letih. letih. pusing. pusing. pusing. kalo lagi labil gini saya rasanya pengen seperti temen2 saya aja. hehehe.

saya bukan orang yg suka mengeluh. saya dididik untuk tidak mengeluh dan bekerja. karena mengeluh ga ada gunanya, dan saya harus tough meski saya cewe. saya harus jadi cewe tough. tapi saat ini saya bener2 ingin mengeluarkan kebingungan ini dan ga tau harus saya tumpahkan kemana. saya belum bisa menceritakan masalah ini sama temen2 kuliah saya, saya belum bisa mengungkapkan sisi susah saya, karena mereka semua orang2 diatas rata2 berada, yg saya khawatirkan jadi mengasihani saya. saya ga mau dikasihani. saya juga ga mau dianggap cari pinjaman duit.. maka dari itu saya pun bingung harus cerita sama siapa biar ga dianggap begitu.. maka blog lah jadi jalan terakhir.

ayo semangaat ~.~

Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

sunny me?

kamu unik dengan segala yang ada di kamu termasuk kecerobohan kamu..but it's true you are so fun and sunny....
like the sun in the morning..........nyahahahahaa

is this just another gombalan?
i dont know. but im happy.

Jumat, 16 Juli 2010

look how mean

Rizki A. Ramadhan Wahh....di Twitter ada yang lagi horny! sampe teriak begitu wakakaakak
July 8 at 7:19pm · Comment · Like · Share
Hermann Megariantoro likes this.

Astrid Yuniarti Waaah, tampaknya saya tau. Hheu.
July 8 at 7:20pm · Like

Hermann Megariantoro Siapa emang kang?
July 8 at 7:22pm · Like

Rizki A. Ramadhan wakakakaka baru mau gw kasih link nya cid wakakakakaka
July 8 at 7:22pm · Like

Rizki A. Ramadhan nih, liat deh http://twitter.com/arrlitong/statuses/18029988959
July 8 at 7:28pm · Like

Hermann Megariantoro Wakakakkakaaaa
July 8 at 7:29pm · Like

Arlita Rachmawati Rahman ebuseet niat amat yeee. itu gw kepengen hp sidekiccck!!
July 8 at 7:39pm · Like ·

Rizki A. Ramadhan astagfirullah...hp sidekick kok bikin horny...parah2
July 8 at 7:53pm · Like

Hermann Megariantoro Bentuknya bikin litong horny. Dual vibrasi ya sidekick?
July 8 at 7:54pm · Like

Rizki A. Ramadhan huahahahhahah CACAD
July 8 at 7:56pm · Like

Arlita Rachmawati Rahman ya ya whatever lah kalian tukang bully
July 8 at 7:57pm · Like ·

Rizki A. Ramadhan ih apa hubungannya dengan bully?i just did what you did, publishing/sharing...makanya use Twitter WISELY.
July 8 at 8:02pm · Like

Hermann Megariantoro Hahahaha... Oh yes oh yes horny ah ah
July 8 at 8:04pm · Like

Arlita Rachmawati Rahman iya iya sok manggaaa. ya buat saya arti horny ga kaya yg si jelek tukang manjat pohon itu pikir >:p apakah ini juga wise ya?
July 8 at 8:06pm · Like ·

Ribaldiantio Putra Idzhar lebih wise dibandung sidekick dpake jd sebuah vibrator, mau neh bekas gw sidekick 2? klo jadiin aja tuh vibrator
July 10 at 2:54am · Like

Rizki A. Ramadhan Wakakak parah si litong pengen vibrator berbungkus sidekick wakakak
July 10 at 8:20am · Like

Hermann Megariantoro Keunggulannya Qwerty keypad vibrator di setiap key nya
July 10 at 5:36pm · Like

Rizki A. Ramadhan Mantab
July 10 at 7:07pm · Like

Ribaldiantio Putra Idzhar tp kayanya sidekicknyapun bakal nolak litong
July 10 at 7:08pm · Like

Hermann Megariantoro Iya. Langsung drop batrenya
July 10 at 7:14pm · Like

Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

dicontek itu sakit, jendral

resolusi konflik saya A, dengan UAS 100. alhamdulillah!
seneng banget. dan itu buah pikiran saya, saya bangga. padahal hari itu uas ada 3, dan berat.
tapi terus saya liat temen saya, yg duduk di sebelah saya, nilainya a juga dengan uas sebagai bobot terbesar 100. yak, itu nilai saya. THATS MINE!
gila ya, dia ga ngapa2in..dia ga belajar, tinggal liat dan nulis.
saya ga mau ah dicontek lagi! hiks

short semester of 2010

i, litong, in this year's short semester, want and will:
1. study seriously --> catet hukin2, phi.

2. doing sports according to schedule (baca: olahraga teratur) ----> aerobik! bareng sasa
3. study other languange right. i.e: spanish ----> les dan atur belajar sendiri . korea? hmm:-?

4. pinhole camera project! --> bolongin, amplas, farah n ibi

5. turtle project! --> do it! sebelum ir ke netherland

6. type for the blind project!! oh my. do it do it

zampah ztalker

hmmhmmmmhmmmm hai
okay, i'll try to write daily.
well, here i am 0.30 am in the morning, awaken and cant fall back to sleep, yet im eating roma malkist (crap) nyam.. i was confused what to do. i was hoping to fall back to sleep, but then what a false hope. so now im here already, originally i was hoping to meet the devil of my nightmare (what a cheesy name) mmm no no, andy, lets say, andy, online.
today is trashing day! official. see i woke up at 1.30 - 2 pm (morning eh?) then... then... trashing on internet... then... went to see mang ukir, a budi and family who wants to see me (cant imagine why.pfft).. pitimoss.. jogja.. bed... sleep.. awake.
now i awake, is becase of andy! all day, practically, frankly, today, i was watching him all day. well not literally, but his social networks. God knows how i many times i opened that opera mini. this is, surely because my vow not to text him.. GRRRR and now im frustrated for my own vow!!! hhhh *sigh* im dreading to know his news, his whereabouts, is he safely home or what.. but i cant text him, i know i shouldnt. from this, the fact that he never texts me, he's not that into me, and it's a good thing i dont text him so that i dont seem too into him like i actually am. this is the price i have to pay. hiks. all day no news and contact. i miss him, i wish he misses me. i wish i can take my mind off him. and im hoping that today, my activity, with short semester starts can take my mind off of him, at least i'll have my friends and jablays close to me to divert my mind :I
> <>
salam sampah malam!

Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010

the PLAN

So here what i was planning to do in this blog:
- scheduling the short semester
- planning the pinhole camera project
- planning the turtle project
- daily write!

voila, new blog!

well hi, my new blog. this is the third blog, i guess. influenced by julie of julie and julia.
due to the impeachment of freedom to write in my tumblr, i made another one!
to write about my projects, my planning, and my schedule :D
i hope with stating these things can make me do it better, with making it tangible i will be more motivated!